
Electing Simplicity, Sanity, & Smallness

Happy Election Day, everyone! I walked my ballot down to the post office this morning. This evening I'll be gathering with my classmates to watch the election results roll in. I'm honored I was able to vote on initiatives that will make my state and my country places which I can be proud to call home.

It turns out I'm a conservative. I'm all about conserving time, energy, money, resources and talent so that they can be used constructively rather than squandered. That's why I've chosen the Little Life: a small, simple home, active transportation by bike, foot, transit, and car share, and an education that is helping me to create sustainable communities. This enables me to be more liberal with my time, money, and energy for the causes and people I believe in.


I think of Election Day as a chance to consider what we stand for, what we elect in our own daily lives. I hereby elect the following:

  • The right to live in a small, simple space that suits my needs
  • Deliberate and conscientious spending on practical necessities and little joys
  • Freedom from consumerist chaos and unnecessary financial burdens
  • Connection with an incredible network of curious and passionate people
  • Time to visit with the people I hold dear (even if it's via skype and text because of the geographic distance between us)
  • Prioritization of my physical, emotional, and mental health
  • Engagement with the outdoors and my neighborhood

What are you electing to have in your life during this cycle?