roadtripping with a cat

The Home Stretch

The Home Stretch

Raffi and I woke up in Rochester, NY yesterday morning and set the GPS coordinates for Brattleboro, VT. After nine days on the road, Brattleboro Bound, it was neat to have the final destination be the next one. We had said Bye Bye Walla Walla, traveled through Big Sky Country, saw Rainbow Land & Rainbow Sky and appreciated some Mideastern Hospitality. Finally, we were on the Home Stretch of our crosscountry journey.

Mideastern Hospitality

Mideastern Hospitality

I’m Brattleboro Bound and by the time I’d said Bye Bye Walla Walla, made it through Big Sky Country and South Dakota (which I discovered was Rainbow Land & Rainbow Sky) the Midwest felt like it was very far indeed from the West Coast. I understand why it was dubbed the Midwest long ago, but perhaps a renaming is in order because it’s certainly to the east of middle. It’s really the Mideast. Or perhaps the Eastern Middle. But that Midwestern hospitality I’d heard about? That’s a real thing.

Brattleboro Bound

Brattleboro Bound

The Lucky Penny was a splendid place to pass the first seven months of the COVID-19 pandemic... But I’m ready for a change of scenery. And you know if you’ve been following along for a while, I’ve long-loved Vermont. Since I’ve been working remotely for the past seven months, I’ve learned that it’s feasible. So I asked my supervisor if I could work remote-r from Brattleboro, VT.